Why climate change prevents me from doing my homework

I had been at my computer since early morning working on an essay. The desk was littered with an empty coffee mug, muesli-encrusted bowl, lecture notes and books.

Someone tapped my door.

“Morning, Dino,” I said, swinging my computer chair around.

“Look outside,” Dino whispered.

I drew the curtains back.

“Snow!” I squealed.

“That’s right! It’s snow.”

Half an hour later, I had abandoned my essay and was heading out with scarf, gloves, a feather-down coat and camera.

This is a photo of the Fenner’s Cricket Ground and one of my college’s buildings.

My college often rents this building out for conferences. The poorer colleges often rely on funds from conferences to eke out an existence. Other colleges, on the other hand, own major British docks and science parks.

This might be a sundial. It wasn’t working today for some reason.

Ah, Joan. Using that tired old ‘framing with stuff onsite’ composition. This is the stuff of cheesy postcards 🙂

This is the back of the main building at my college. The front is prettier but there are unattractive cars and fences that I can’t Photoshop out.

Some of my college mates live here. This was the first time I stepped into the courtyard. It’s quite a pretty space.

Some smart cookie knew it was going to snow. Either that or their bike seat is too tattered to sit on without wrapping it up with a plastic bag from Sainsbury’s.


  1. Thara says:

    I just notice the way you make the seat in colour. very interesting way of doing it. By the way did you use filter for the sky or that is just some colour balance that you adjusted?

  2. misscipher says:

    We could use some snow in Perth right now. It was around the 41 mark during the weekend. The breeze felt like oven wind. It was really quite unbearable.

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