Feeling sorry for Donut King

An email was making the rounds. The rumour was that 10 000 Krispy Kreme donuts were being given away at QV square. As Thursday approached, my workmates were increasingly excited.

When I arrived back in the city after visiting a client in Newport, I decided to walk by QV square and see if I could score a donut. Behold! Thousands of people filled the square; the queues were five people wide. There were people walking away from little green, red and white stall with donut in serviettes and looks of rapture on their faces.

Forget my idea of trying one of these! There was no way I could justify the charegeable time to queue up for a donut.

During the day, other things besides the donut queues alerted to me to the status of these donuts. In the office, I heard:

“Krispy Kreme donuts are so great! Every time I’m in Sydney, I buy boxes of them and bring them back to Melbourne. Have you ever had one?”

“Yeah, I had one in Sydney.”

“Only one?”

More than one person in the office confessed to bringing donuts back from interstate. I have been told that Krispy Kreme donut boxes are common sights in the departure lounges at Sydney airport. I know my cousins have done it before.

I had a meeting at Southbank in the afternoon and on the walk back, I saw people with Krispy Kreme boxes.

When I read the paper today, the weekly ‘What’s Hot’ column declared that, “Krispy Kreme coming to Melbourne” was hot.

Isn’t that crazy? How can a donut inspire such fervour and adulation?

“But they’re so good!” Erin told me. “Just wait until you try one!”

Well, I guess I will.


  1. Winza says:

    Although I’ve only tried one donut from Krispy Kreme, I must say they are the most delicious! But having said that, travelling all the way to the city just to get one piece of free donut is not worth it. There’s too much hype about it.

  2. Bad Habit Brota says:

    I must be such a heathen. I’ve never liked Krispy Kreme. I’ve had them before. To me, they just taste like a slice of stale bread that’s been soaked in Crisco.

    When I was living in Niagara Falls, I spent a lot of time in Toronto. I was in town when they opened their first Krispy Kreme. I happened to drive by the place during the first week it was open. It was insane, people were lined up around the building and around the block.

    I mean, it’s just a donut.

  3. joanium says:

    A colleague at work and I were speculating that the donuts are spiked with some happy substances. A few years ago, so visiting Mormons visiting Australia from USA were fed cookies containing hash, while door knocking around the suburbs 🙂

  4. lainey says:

    They’re quite okay. But you can literally feel your arteries clogging up as you eat them. So one and only one for the week is enough for me 8-p

  5. -=[ 13 ]=- says:

    I waited in line for two hours, for a box for myself and my friend… I have pictures. ^^
    I guess America’s bringing it’s obesity problems here. Dang.

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