The Trouble with Trooble

Damjan and I made up a word about a year ago.

trooble n. pl. troobles: a word having the same sequence of numbers as another word when typed on a telephone keypad. eg. Good is a trooble of home. Joan is a trooble of loan.

Why trooble? Because a carelessly used trooble can result in trouble.

It’s a handy word. I’ve decided to immortalise it on my blog because if ‘trooble’ starts appearing in the English language, the etymologists can unequivocally assert its origins.

That’s right, folks. You heard it here first.


  1. Andrew W says:

    I had one the other day: Mum made me some muffins, and I sms’ed her: ‘Thanks for the muffins ma, they were great for snacking!’ Came back that evening and she asked me what I did with my muffins. I read my message on her phone and it said ‘Thanks for the muffins ma, they were great for smacking!’.

  2. David J says:

    Wow…we do need this word.

    What is the name for a useless fragment of letters that appears when you are trying to type a word in predictive text?

    EG when you type ‘sushi’, you get ‘pushi’. Is this a trooble as well?

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