How to get a boyfriend — slow version

  1. Meet people through an extracurricular or extraworkular activity. Choose something you enjoy or are inspired by.
  2. Join the committee.
  3. Find the target boy.
  4. Work on a project with him. Is he still interesting? Is he friend material too? If yes…
  5. Slip in a social comment into official business emails or phone calls. If he responds in like, then the odds are looking better.
  6. Make ambiguous comments that can be interpreted either way (ie. I’m flirting / I’m a friendly person).
  7. Go on a group social outing. Maybe go out to celebrate the success of a committee project.
  8. Find an excuse to invite him on a one-on-one outing. Maybe establish that you are a fan of (some cuisine / an obscure artist or film director / rock climbing / macrame) and pretend you happen to have voucher for a meal at (a restaurant that serves said cuisine / the Melbourne International Film Festival / a rock-climb-a-thon / a macrame short course). Whatever the excuse, make your sentiments ambiguous. It’s still too early to risk anything too much.
  9. Go on “date”. Be yourself but at your best.
  10. If he’s responded receptively but not declared his like for you, then repeat “dates”. Don’t try to define anything yet.
  11. I’m not sure what happens now. Maybe up the ante by leaning into him or initiating casual physical closeness. If he doesn’t step back…
  12. Ask him out on a Date. If he agrees, you are now going out.

Hooray! Now that you have obtained your boyfriend, you need to do some work to keep him. Keep an eye out for Joan’s tips on how to lay the foundations of a good relationship.

See you next time!


  1. Michael says:

    Oh no *wonder* she said you could only do macrame in pairs. lol jk. I don’t think anybody actually got that huh.

    anywho, loved the post.

  2. vera says:

    Fast version:

    1. Meet people through an extracurricular or extraworkular activity. Choose something you enjoy or are inspired by.

    2. Join the committee.

    3. Co-committee member makes a bet with some boy during an extracurricular event. Boy disappears and gets drunk.

    4. Boy returns to asks you out. You say yes.

  3. mr joel says:

    Fast version (revised)

    1. Meet people through an extracurricular or extraworkular activity. Choose something you enjoy or are inspired by.

    2. Join the committee.

    3. Co-committee member makes a bet with some boy during an extracurricular activity. Boy disappears and gets (a little) drunk. (Boy participates in peeing contest in bathroom of local pub. Boy loses)

    4. Boy returns to ask you out. You say yes. (Actually, maybe. You’d better think about it. You have to talk it over with some people. Boy eventually emails you to ask what the hell is going on. You finally say yes. Luckily, boy is fond enough of you to put up with said crap)

  4. Daniel says:


    1. find out where France is

    2. if friend offers to set you up with cute guy, you should take up the offer

    3. definitely learn how to swim…

    …to France

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