I have a problem

I teach two hiphop classes on Monday. One is meant to be an intermediate class and the other is for beginners. The intermediate class was to be made up of the beginners from last year, who were getting to be quite good. Only about five of them came back though, and now my intermediate class is flooded with people slightly better than beginners but not as good as they should be to join the class.

If I was stern enough, I’d have immediately told the newcomers to change to the beginners class an hour later. But I’m a softie 🙁 I didn’t put my foot down.

I thought I might push the beginner-type people really hard to get them up to the level needed to be. I think I can do it but I’ll need at least another two months.

But now I have a problem. The advanced dancers have come up to me and said that they are bored with the class and feel it’s unfair that all these newcomers are holding them back. They really want to stay in my class (they like me) but it is frustrating to go over the same material each week.

My options seem to be:

  1. Rearrange the classes to form a beginner/beginner plus class and an advanced class.
  2. Start an advanced class.
  3. Come in half an hour early each week to work with the advanced people before class.
  4. Suggest my advanced people go to another teacher’s class.

The best option is number 2. That way I don’t have the trouble of a huge beginners class and teaching everyone new dance routines. But I am extremely loathe to teach three hours a week. Having three classes increases the amount of choreography, preparation, organising, costume-buying and paperwork I have to do.

I really don’t know what to do 🙁

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