You can only take so much

I am so tired. We ran a joint rehearsal with about thirty-five people at the dance studio. During it, Don was calling from the sidelines for me to speak louder and louder and LOUDER. Then he came up to the group and started lecturing us about discipline. A small boy student near the back moved to another spot and Don yelled at him, “Don’t you move while I’m talking!”

A man in the class said, “Look. I don’t want to be rude but you can’t talk to him like that. You can’t keep putting down the teachers.” Don immediately launched into him.

“If you don’t like it, get out.”

“Hey. Don’t touch me.”

“You! Out!”

It was a stand-off and both were fuming. The man and the boy grabbed their gear and stormed out. Kathleen glared at Don and chased her students. Don stood there, still ranting. I was so angry at him but I had to keep the rehearsal running. All the other students were shocked. A few of them realised what a difficult situation I was in and tried to help, smiled encouragingly and were very cooperative.

Ten minutes later, Kathleen came back in and told Don that she quit.

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