Worried. Yesterday, sat down:
Time needed to complete thesis – 20 hours
Time available – 19 hours
…Probably do-able. Not much sleep, though.
Then. Woke up. Turned on computer. Opened file I haven’t worked on since Saturday. All work – GONE. GONE. GONE.
Frantic. Disbelieving. How can this be happening? Check. GROAN GROAN GROAN.
Come on, Joan. Deal with it. It’s done. Just do it. Just do it. Make it BETTER than before.
Okay, okay. Okay. Right.
All right, dealt with it. Start again. Concentrate. Knuckle down.
I’ve caught up now. Ten hours of work done in four hours. Plans screwed up, though. I’ll let you know what happens.
P.S. For those of you interested, it was my own fault. I have a massive worksheet of figures about energy use. It’s the basis of my environmental design. I copied it to another worksheet so that I could do statistical analysis on it. I deleted rows, summed things, got rid of irrelevant columns, changed the data order. Then I went back to my original file of data and realised that I had moved not copied the spreadsheet. All the data was gone, hours and hours of research and assumptions. I tried to re-jig an old version of the file (only one day older but so much was missing) but it was too hard to make the figures the same. I ended up having to start again with new assumptions and change all the figures in my report.
My report is fifty pages long now. I reckon there are another thirty to go…