I kill the engine and sit in the darkness of the car, listening to rain drops throwing themselves at the window. Sighing, I begin to gather up Tuesday — dance shoes, wallet, the necklace Kate lent me, aerobics gear, Palm and phone, Lot’s Wife, my school bag (economics text book, thermos, drink bottle), spare jumper. Put things down, pick things up, rearrange, drop things into puddles, pick them up.
I duck my head into the boot to get my passport application. Avoid the rain, avoid the rain. Up! My head makes a hollow *thump* against the edge of the boot lid. Owww…
i did something similar except with a shopping cart trying to lift up huge cases of soft drinks and bottled water. it hurt!
Hehe, what a shock it is to hurt yourself nowadays. I remember when I was smaller (kid-like), I fell over and ran into things at least weakly! Nowadays, I only fall over when I’m skating, skiing or being dipped by a new boy 🙂
Surely it wasn’t too hollow a *thump*?
Well, either the boot lid was hollow or my head was. I know I’m not thick so it must have been my empty head!