Shopping and kicking

I had five hours of sleep last night. Must sleep now…

I went shopping today for a dress for my dance exam in four weeks. I have rediscovered that I have no interest in clothes shopping, especially with vague criteria such as:

– One piece dress

– Swishy

– Bright (fluorescent is best!)

– Knee length

– Stretchy to allow movement

I yawned my way through the shopping trip. The only time I perked up was when I spotted a framed world map. It is a reproduction of one of the very first maps of the globe — and it’s in gold. I love cartography, geodesy, spatial databases. I guess I like pictures that contain a lot of information. I bought the map immediately.

I found a dress too. It meets all the criteria, bar one. It is, unfortunately, a tasteful colour.

I spent the rest of the day at Damjan’s taekwondo tournament. He won the bronze medal, losing to the eventual gold medallist by just one point! Taekwondo, an exciting sport. I don’t think I’m competitive enough to do well in martial arts competitions but I can appreciate the struggles of others! I’ll stick to my dancing, thank yee.


  1. Anonymous says:

    You should do what I used to do when I did artistic skating – get a tailor to make you something to your exact specifications. That way you can ask for stretchy material in strategic places, and double stitching and stuff like that.(Although, seeing as I used to live in Hong Kong, finding a cheap and fast tailor was easier than it is here).

    Daniel Yeow

  2. joanium says:

    At bronze level, you can wear nice casual clothes. At silver, you wear your best dress. At gold, people generally spend a few hundred dollars to buy a proper dance costume. One of my friends spends $500 each year getting a new dress tailored! I’d rather spend the money on private dance lessons so I’m not ashamed when I get on the dance floor. Theoretically, I could do the cha cha in my pyjamas and it should still look good 🙂

    I’m doing gold latin and gold street latin. I wish I could do my gold ballroom but we’re a bit backward here — not many people are into ballroom!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m finding more and more bronze medallists all dressed up for their exam. I certainly would have felt silly getting dressed up for my bronze street latin last year — I would have looked really flashy as I walked out, raising the expectations, only to anti-climax as I stumbled through my dances.

    I think people need to make sure they’re dancing well before they dress up. It’s not to say that the bronze medallists are bad dancers — our bronze medallists were excellent for their level — but obviously they haven’t been taught much technique yet, so sometimes moves don’t look as smooth as they could be.

    For the record, I did my first medal in Doc Martin boots — they were the most appropriate shoes I had at the time!


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