Opportunity costs

Very odd, I’ve just noticed that this month, none of my blog entries were written on Wednesday. I’m thinking, “What’s so special about Wednesday? I finish tutoring by 9 PM, should have time to write. Is Wednesday boring? No, Policy class is on Wednesday and I always rant about hippies after that class…” Hmm.

I had a really good weekend. There were so many fun things lined up — a comedy production by medical students, a wedding, a symphony concert, shopping with mum, watching Pride & Prejudice with Damjan. The problem was that I had lots of homework and dance chores too. I struggled with myself, boy, did I struggle. It wouldn’t all fit. What could I cancel? (Why did I waste Friday watching midday telemovies?)

I’ve been studying economics and I am amazed that economics is not about money or stockmarkets or accounting. Economics is about the choices people make about scarce resources. My scarcest resource is time. What is the opportunity cost of doing my homework? Losing time with Damjan, for one thing. This is my most valued alternative.

I think I could go on about the neatness of economics a bit more but not today. Anyway, I decided that I could afford relaxation time with Damo ‘coz, you know, it was such a highly stressful weekend and all 🙂 Homework and chores will get themselves done. They always do.

…And they did.

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