I was driving home at 1 AM last night when I had an encounter with Hooligans. There were four P-plated cars (probationary drivers) and they had spread out in the three lanes of an 80 km/h highway. They were driving at about 35 km/h and making rude gestures, as well as cutting in front of each other.
I was among about five cars stuck behind them. I tried to change lanes once but one of the Hooligans swerved in front of me.
Because I wasn’t in a hurry, I wasn’t worried or frustrated. Mostly, I was amused. It was quite a funny prank because people normally associate hooliganism with driving too fast. I wondered how long these young people (men, I suppose) could stand to drive so slow. What kind of willpower did they have? The primal urge to floor the accelerator would take over pretty soon…
Anway, I turned off as soon as I could and got home only five minutes late.