If you were listening to By Design on Radio National this morning, you would have heard me being interviewed about community scale retrofit of homes.
A friend put me in touch with the show’s presenter, Fenella Kernebone. Fenella suggested I pop into the ABC studios to do the interview by tardis.
I thought the TARDIS comment was a geek joke until the ABC security guard at the front desk asked, ‘Are you here for the TARDIS?’

The fine print on the sign explains that the most remarkable characteristic of a TARDIS is that its interior is much larger than it appears from the outside.

I’ve now been interviewed by journalists four times (twice for newspaper, twice for radio). It’s always hard for me to predict what the end product will be.
My company gave me media training last year and I learned that I should always prepare a key message and back it up with three lines of evidence.
In most cases, if you tell the story clearly enough that the journalist can use it verbatim, then you’re doing them a favour.
I think I need more practice.