We decided to run our new computer using a solid state drive, which is like having a giant USB disk as a hard drive. This makes the computer faster and quieter, as it doesn’t need a fan to keep it cool.

We got this sticker with the computer parts that we bought.

SSD sticker
SSD sticker

It’s just like Lego

Damjan: ‘I liked playing with Lego.’

Joan: ‘I liked Lego too. I often made the same thing with my set. It was a fairground with a ferris wheel.’

Damjan: ‘What Lego set did you have?’

Joan: ‘It was just the bricks.’

Damjan: ‘You just had bricks?’

Joan: ‘Yeah, just the normal set.’

Damjan: ‘Oh… I always had the Technics.’

Joan: ‘Were they the ones where you got instructions?’

Damjan: ‘Yeah. I would rush to finish it. I thought the point was to make the toy and play with it.’

Joan: ‘Oh, but the fun would have been in the making of it.’

Damjan: ‘I guess I didn’t appreciate it when I was a kid.’

The next day, Damjan arrived home with a box of computer parts to make our new computer. He started assembling it straight after dinner.

Damjan: ‘It’s so easy and so much fun. It’s just like Lego.’

Joan: ‘But you’re just following the instructions.’

Damjan: ‘Yes! It’s just like Lego!’

Not part of the club

I was going to Sydney for a workshop and it happened that a member of the Board group was also going. We met up at the end of the day before to check in online. This way we could sit together.

‘Bye, Joan!’ he said after it was done. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow at the Qantas Club!’

In dismay, I called after him, ‘I’m not a member of the Qantas Club…’

The next day, I had to loiter in the food court and wait for my colleague to arrive so that I could tail him into the Qantas Club.

New kitchen, old recipes

Our first cooked meal in the new home was pasta with mushroom, zucchini and tomato sauce. This is from our classic student repertoire. Our second cooked meal was a mushroom omelette, also from the same ‘recipe book’.

I am pleased to say that we are progressing slightly beyond student now. We had a dinner party two weeks ago (three mushroom risotto with truffle oil, rhubarb crumble with vanilla yoghurt).

This week we cooked fried rice.

Fried rice in the style of Joan's mum
Fried rice in the style of Joan's mum

I also got to take my onion goggles for a spin.

Onion goggles in the kitchen (obviously posed, as I'm chopping parsley)
Onion goggles in the kitchen (obviously posed, as I'm chopping parsley)

Next on my kitchen gadget list, a Garlic Zoom.


While riding a Melbourne Bike today, I overtook someone! I couldn’t believe it. She looked able bodied enough and her bike seemed to be working.

Three intersections later, though, she overtook me again.

Birthday treats

On my birthday last month, we moved into our new home. It was the best birthday present I could ask for (and I did). I was away in the UK for 10 days in the lead up to my birthday, and boy did Damjan pull out the stops to get the flat ready. He finished off the renovations, bought furnishings, connected us to the internet, cleaned and cleaned (thanks to Jana too).

I didn’t need any other birthday treat… but look what showed up!

Gingerbread presents
Gingerbread presents

Remember Dippy?

Dippy the dinosaur
Dippy the dinosaur

Well, I got used to biting off his head in order to euthanise him before devouring the rest of his gingerbread body.

Gingerbread Dippies
Gingerbread Dippies

Giant babies

The Melbourne Festival is coming to an end. I have been enjoying the public art very much. If you have the chance, I highly highly highly recommend going to the space between the Arts Centre and Hamer Hall after 8pm to see the light show. It is spectacular, delightful and funny. The show is called ‘Cacophany: The Art of Conflict‘ and is free.

I saw these six metre tall black demon babies being installed at the Arts Centre. Then they started showing up all over Melbourne — they’re at Fed Square, St Paul’s Cathedral and City Square. They are part of the Angel-Demon Parade.

Demon babies at the Arts Centre
Demon babies at the Arts Centre
Demon baby looms over Melbournians
Demon baby looms over Melbournians
I want lots of milk
I want lots of milk
Do not feed the Demon Babies
Do not feed the Demon Babies