For my homework, I had to complete a ‘personal conflict style inventory’. You can do yours as well by clicking Adult Personal Conflict Style Inventory.
My preferred styles of managing conflict are:
Calm – Response when issues/conflicts first arise. | Storm – Response after the issues/conflicts have been unresolved and have grown in intensity. | |
1. | Collaborating | Accommodating |
2. | Avoiding | Avoiding |
3. | Accommodating | Compromising |
4. | Comprimising | Collaborating or Forcing |
My homework sheet asked, How accurate a description do you think this is for you?
I think the results are very accurate. I feel uncomfortable when people argue and will usually avoid conflicts. I feel very anxious whenever I know I have to have a difficult conversation with someone. In fact, I found conflict so upsetting, that I enrolled in this conflict resolution program to learn how to deal with it.
Response when issues/conflicts first arise.
Response after the issues/conflicts have been unresolved an have grown in intensity.
12 Collaborating
11 Compromising
9 Accommodating
7 Avoiding
4 Forcing
11 Collaborating
9 Compromising
5 Accommodating
3 Avoiding
3 Forcing
I like that I’m consistent both before and after! 🙂 Not sure if its good, but at least its predictable 🙂
You people are wusses… in the ‘storm’ section, ‘forcing’ went from last straight to first for me.
I have no qualms about conflicts, but I suppose I’ve had alot of experience dealing with stubborn idiots. Being diplomatic can only get you so far with twats; after a certain point you’ve just got to step on some toes (and enjoy it) and make a decision otherwise ‘Stand Up For Your Rights’ doesn’t happen… er… I mean, nothing gets done.