Greener, with more wheels

I went hardware shopping at Big W today. My shopping list included a stanley knife, rake, metal ruler, spray paint, toolbox and gardening gloves.

While shopping, I walked by a stack of colourful clear plastic storage bins, about 55 L in size. There were purple ones, pink ones, green ones, blue ones… They sure were real pretty.

It is traditional for field personnel in my company have one of these kind of boxes to keep their tools in. Since I have started accumulating tools, I thought it was about time I obtained a container.

I wanted a green one, of course. And all my colleauges had white ones so mine would be the prettiest in the store room — AND the only one with wheels.

The green one was in the middle of the stack. I lifted the purple, pink and blue ones out of the way, and as I was extracting my chosen green box, the box at the bottom of the pile decided to exercise its wheeling power. It rolled away away me, carrying along with it all the boxes on top! The stack collided into three adjacent stacks and everything went rolling, toppling, and crashing.

“Oh!” I thought.

I looked around. No store assistants.

I put down my toolbox so that I had my hands free to reassemble the display but the display platform was small and the boxes kept wheeling off. I really don’t know how the store assistants managed to balance four stacks on it in the first place!

I put my shopping items into my green box, found the right size lid and wheeled it away from the chaos to look for some professional help.

Like this one but greener and with more wheels.


  1. Anonymous says:

    hehehehe – did anyone stop and laugh, or try to help? 🙂

    I’m into lil storage things like that now, very odd sensation, I find myself slowing down outside stores like “Howard’s Storage World” looking for interesting ways to organise my files…


  2. vera says:

    I’ll always slow down anywhere where I spy purple ones, pink ones, green ones, blue ones… it doesn’t matter what they are, as long as they’re pretty.

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