And this one time, at dance camp…

Today was one of those good random days I often have. James, Vera and I drove about an hour out of Melbourne to check out a camp facility. We’re organising a dance camp for two university dance clubs. I’m fairly sure this is the first time our clubs have ever done this so it is an exciting, groundbreaking venture.

We’re all extremely impressed. The camp is luxurious compared to what both clubs are used to. The rooms have ensuite bathrooms, the grounds are green and well-maintained, there’s a campfire site, trampolines and a flying fox.

What sealed the deal for us was the recreation hall. As soon as we walked in, Vera emitted a squeak of pleasure. I nodded appreciatively. James sort of raised his eyebrows and smiled. The hall was paved in something even better than gold — shiny polished wooden floorboards. A most perfect dancing space. No longer would we have to settle for cramped rooms, rough wooden planks or even concrete. It was like we had died and gone to heaven.

Oh, we were willing to pay a premium for such glorious facilities. Amazingly, though, the price we are being asked for is much less than at our old camps. There is no cloud to this silver lining. Let us all slap each other on the back in a hearty, congratulatory manner!

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