Kate called me yesterday morning and we arranged to go to Queen Victoria Market. This is unusually spontaneous for me. I normally plan my outings at least a day in advance, however summer holidays have brought out the Wild Teenager in me 🙂
I didn’t intend to buy anything. When I am confronted with many choices, I often become overwhelmed and retreat into my hold-money-tightly shell. That’s why I’m not much of a shopper. Yesterday, though, the Wild Teenager made me buy:
- Brie cheese for my mum (she loves it)
- Sneakers (blue Dunlops, to replace my current blue pair full of holes)
- Pen (Schaefer, a present for a friend)
- Pizza (in the deli section of the market)
- Cookie (mmm, chocolate fudge)
- Train ticket (what can I say, I’m living on the edge)
- Swing dance lesson
Of course, I didn’t buy the swing dance lesson at the market. That came later.
On the way home, Kate and I stumbled into an old warehouse where there was an open design exhibition by students from RMIT university. Melbourne, don’t you love it?
I also visited Melbourne University’s maths department to see if my friends were in their little office but the office was dark and locked. Disappointment. (Later I found out that there were a whole bunch of them in the room next door but I walked away without realising it.)
In the evening, I went swing dancing with Damjan, Joel and Vera. I’ve been out of the swing scene for maybe nine months now. Imagine my shock and pleasure when I walked in and the people stopped their lesson and started squealing, “It’s Joan! It’s Joan! Hi Joan!”
Goodness, I hadn’t even ever been to this dance venue before. I felt so loved!
Hehe… everyone’s on vacation scholarship at the moment, so we’re always around. James S, Nick, and Maurice are in the Honours room next to MUMS, Thara and I are in 2.23, James Z is in 1 of the 1st floor rooms. No one is really in the MUMS room any more…
Posted by joee