New kitchen, old recipes

Our first cooked meal in the new home was pasta with mushroom, zucchini and tomato sauce. This is from our classic student repertoire. Our second cooked meal was a mushroom omelette, also from the same ‘recipe book’.

I am pleased to say that we are progressing slightly beyond student now. We had a dinner party two weeks ago (three mushroom risotto with truffle oil, rhubarb crumble with vanilla yoghurt).

This week we cooked fried rice.

Fried rice in the style of Joan's mum
Fried rice in the style of Joan's mum

I also got to take my onion goggles for a spin.

Onion goggles in the kitchen (obviously posed, as I'm chopping parsley)
Onion goggles in the kitchen (obviously posed, as I'm chopping parsley)

Next on my kitchen gadget list, a Garlic Zoom.


  1. joanium says:

    Hi Kaye — I think the goggles work for about two onions. Then I start tearing up a bit.

    The only tip that I have that reliably works is to keep onions in the fridge. I think it reduces the amount of volatile onion when you chop.

    Truffie produces truffles from around age 3 or 5. We adopted him as the last tree in the previous batch so we had about a year head start. I think it’s year 3 next year. I also know that the whole farm hasn’t produced any truffles yet, so I don’t know how good our investment will be!

    Alden, that’s a good tip, I’ll try it next time. I always have a pack of gum around.

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