No go zone

I don’t live in a posh part of London, like Knightsbridge or West Hampstead. In fact, it would be accurate to say that I live in one of the poorest boroughs in London. Still, it ain’t that bad! I feel completely safe, walking home from the Tube station at night time.

However, Domino’s Pizza is less enlightened and has declared our street a ‘no go zone’.

It means that whenever we order pizza, the delivery person calls us when he arrives and we have to meet him on the main street, which is 10 metres from our front door. This is the closest that Domino’s employees can get without fear of mortal harm. I don’t know where they get their information from.

Richard, whose love of tandoori hot pizza requires pizza delivery boys to risk life and limb.

See? It even says ‘NO GO ZONE’ on the box!


  1. Anonymous says:

    I would hardly say we live in one of the poorest boroughs in London. Just because there is a whacking great council estate across the road does not make a for a poor borough. Perhaps a trip to any borough of East London would help to educate you…. Damian-rants

  2. joanium says:

    Hi Damian,

    It seems you’re right. Here’s a map of how relatively deprived the boroughs of London are — target boroughs. We’re definitely not in the red band. We’re not even in the orange band. Hooray!

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