Mega Muesli

Now that I am home, I have been having treats for breakfast — steamed buns and filled coconut rice rolls. This has been the only thing that has prevented me from going into Mega Muesli withdrawal. Mega Muesli is the best muesli in the world. I discovered it at Arjuna Wholefoods early on in my year at Cambridge and quickly graduated from a 1 kg pack, to a 2 kg pack. By mid-year, I was going into the shop for 4 kg packs of Mega Muesli every two months.

Brad was amazed that I bought the 4 kg packs.

“How can you?” he said, shaking his head. “I have to buy 500 g packs. I get one a week and I finish it. I can’t control myself. If there was a 4 kg pack in the house, I’d eat it all. Doesn’t matter how big the pack is — I’d eat it in a week.”

Damjan visited me in Cambridge every month or so. He generally took a pack of Mega Muesli with him on the 3.5 hour bus trip back to Oxford. During February, Damjan called the day before I was to visit him at Oxford.

“Joan, can you–“

“Bring some muesli?” I interrupted.

“Yes! How did you know?”

“I know what you like, Damo. I already bought it. Guess what it said on the poster board outside Arjuna when today?”


“Valentine’s Day: Say it with muesli!”

As Damjan began laughing, I added, “I’m saying it with 4 kg, the biggest there is!”

The final time Damjan visited to Cambridge, he came to help me pack to leave for a temporary move to Oxford. We stocked up with one final 4 kg muesli pack. We would have bought another pack but unfortunately, I had too much luggage.

I had talked to mum and dad on the phone about what I needed to bring home to Australia.

“Remember to bring any clothes you don’t want to wear anymore,” Mum reminded me.

Dad said, “Double check that you have your passport, driver’s licence, Aussie mobile phone, and plane ticket.”

Mum continued, “Bring your watch too so we can change the batteries. And, well…” Mum hesitated. “No, I guess you can’t… bring some muesli?”

“Probably not through quarantine,” I said, surprised that mum remembered the muesli from when they visited me in April.

“Ah well.” She sounded regretful. “That really was nice muesli. It had a good mix of nuts and fruit and things.”


  1. Brad says:

    Joan … you are back. But without the muesli? Shame. I have been trying to find something comparable, but nothing. I mentioned to Paul that I must get you to send me over a list of the ingredients and a guestimate of quantities. I will be making it myself.

  2. joanium says:

    Hi Vera. It would make sense for quarantine to let muesli in, right? I don’t know, though. Last time I came back with a can of foie gras for my parents. They almost didn’t let me bring it in. They said that if it was in a jar, they definitely wouldn’t have let me keep it. So quarantine rules are a bit of a mystery to me.

    Brad, I’ll be back in the UK next month, then hopefully back in Cambridge for to restock on muesli. I’ll get you the secret recipe/quantities. Did you know that Arjuna does 25kg muesli packs?! I saw it on their website.

    Hi misscipher. I’m not sure Mega Muesli can convert a non-muesli liker. It’s still a muesli, nothing like a tasty fry up or a hot congee or a rich croissant. So it depends what floats your boat 🙂

  3. taiirei says:

    Joan I just spent ages looking through your tags trying to find this entry. I had to resort to Google! But now that I found it… I should try this muesli of yours but I just bought about 6 packets of Dorset Cereals from Waitrose because they were half price… and they’re AWESOME!! I like raw oat porridge but these cereals, you have your oats but also seeds, nuts, dried fruits, other grain flakes… heaven!

  4. joanium says:

    Yeah, I see Dorset cereals all the time. They look pretty luxurious. The sheer luxury might mean I’d have to mix it with my natural muesli or I’ll be overwhelmed 🙂

    Actually, I’m quite into Sainsbury’s apricot wheats at the moment. Even they’re a bit luxurious and I have to dilute them with oats!

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