Oh no! I lost a sock!
And I’ve been so careful, checking the machines carefully before I leave. The sock is probably fell out of my laundry bag somewhere between my house and college laundry room. That’s a 500 m trek.
My poor sock, lost in the wilderness of Cambridge.
Oh no, the poor sock it’s now single and lonely
On another note, don’t know if you remember me or not but we used to attend the same maths class in Mt Waverly many years ago.
I am possibly the worst person for losing socks. Personally I think I have a sock thief following me around on a daily basis just waiting for me to step foot into a laundry. Laundromats would send me broke in all of the new socks that I would definitely need to buy.. Unless there is someone else, just as bad with socks there and I could pick up what they left behind..
I’m sure that the sock is now living single and fancy free, about to step out into the big wide world..