The end of learning

Don, Tommy and I were preparing for our final presentation for the Systems Dynamics class.

“You know, this will be my last class,” Don remarked. “…ever.”

I have another module to do next term, but for most people in my course, this Lent term was the last term with taught classes.

“Ever?” I laughed. “You mean you’re done with the MPhil? Done with postgrad? Done with school?

“That’s right,” Don declared. “I’ve decided. Learning Stops Here.”


  1. 3088 Silver says:

    I drafted a similar article to be published soon in my blog. I thought for a while…Hmm, let’s see what others wrote. It’s quite true and sad.

  2. vera says:


    At the end of year 11, I said, “No more maths — EVER!”

    Four years later I took two compulsory maths subjects at uni.

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