Mr or Ms Not-quite-right

This is interesting: All Men Are Liars describes ‘the 80 per cent relationship‘.

I think you just need to be careful about the criteria you put on your scorecard. There are important criteria. For me, it’s intelligence, sense of humour, generosity… For others, it might be religion, interests, independence, attractiveness…

I do believe that people are often too picky. Their scorecards are loaded with things that don’t matter or are unrealistic. Perhaps no one should settle for 80 per cent, but if someone is consistently finding 60 and 80 percenters, then maybe he or she needs to look at his or her scorecard.


  1. Shrapnel says:

    I loved this comment in the post 🙂
    This is a kinda “glass half full, half empty” question.

    My answer to this depends if I’m drinking or pouring.
    Drinking – half empty.
    Pouring – half full.

    reckon that’s so true!

  2. Daniel says:

    Scorecards are so silly. They’re like those whistle-stop package tours.

    “Ok folks, here we have the ceiling of the sistine chapel, get a good look, alright, now the colosseum, get a good look at that… etc.”

    I threw out scorecards a long time ago because I kept going out with girls who satisfied nearly all the criteria but whom I didn’t really like. Why? We just didn’t get along.

    Scorecards are also dumb because people change. Someone who would have been (on paper at least) perfect for me when I was 18 would probably not be quite right for me now (I’m 125, $\pm$ 100).

    …and what about love?

    “Amor vincit omnia”

    or doesn’t anyone believe that stuff anymore?

  3. vera says:

    Hah! I’m not sure how the two are analogous, daniel, but I definitely agree that both scorecards and those tours are silly.

    But it’s not “get a good look at that” — it’s more “take your photos to prove that you’ve been here” (probably because you were there for such a small, meaningless amount of time that you wouldn’t remember if you didn’t take photos…)

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