Losing it

Di and I walked into the College Dining Hall and I reached into my pocket for my University Card. It wasn’t there. I checked the other pocket.

“Where’s my card? I had it in my hand!” I vividly remembered taking the card out of my wallet. “Did I drop it?”

“No,” Di assured me. “There’s no way you could have dropped it on the way. Don’t worry, it’ll be sitting on your desk at home. I’ll pay for you tonight.”

I knew she was probably right. I’m very absent-minded. I could have easily taken the card out and put it down straight away without realising it. But I could have sworn I had been holding my card…

We finished dinner and started walking back towards our house, which is a few minutes off-campus. Di was saying something but I wasn’t fully concentrating because I was scanning the footpath for a flash of white plastic. Luckily or unluckily, I didn’t see anything.

A taxi was waiting for Di at our front door when we arrived.

“See you later!” she said, as she hopped in.

I hurried upstairs to search my room. My eyes darted to all the obvious places. No card. I rummaged through my coats and the papers on my desk. Oh no. Please, no. I had already lost my watch this week.

I was miserable. Di had been wrong. I was such an idiot.

But the misery only lasted three minutes because I did find my card! Do you know where it was?

It was in the back pocket of the jeans I was wearing!


  1. Meg says:

    I apparently dropped mine on the street outside my flat once and didn’t realize it until a stranger rang me up from his university office to say, “Ms. Matthews? Are you missing a uni card?”

    How I managed to graduate, I cannot say.

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