They made me cry

Every year at work, we have a Professional Review and Development (PRD) process. In the PRD, each person writes about how they performed in the previous year, what skills they want to develop next year, and sets goals for themselves. Your team leader then reviews your PRD form and you have a formal discussion about it. At the discussion, your team leader will evaluate your performance for the year.

At my PRD review, I had two interviewers: my previous team leader, who looked after me for most of the year, and my new team leader, who will manage my training needs and evaluate me for next year.

Some time between the morning and my PRD review in the afternoon, I developed a severe cold. While Paul and Diane were talking to me, I was constantly snuffling into tissues.

“I’m sorry I’m so teary,” I apologised. “I seem to have a cold.”

“That’s all right,” Diane said, and continued saying things, quite nice things, about my work this year.

I nodded and tried to smile through my tears.

There was a knock on the meeting room door and my big boss, another Paul, stuck his head in.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Diane, could I –” He saw me. “Wow!” He looked taken aback. “Is it really going that badly?”


  1. serendipity says:

    hahahaha….shit happens.

    Was super embarrassed myself when i was sniffing in the cinema. Ppl must be thinking why the hell this girl is crying in a comedy man…


  2. joanium says:

    Serendipity, no need to feel bad for me — it was a bit of funniness on a Friday!

    Shrappy, I’m all fine now. I recovered mid-last week. This story is from two Fridays ago. It sometimes takes me a while to put keyboard to webpage (pen to paper, but not).

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