The Magic Roundabout

From my friend, Sally.

Ok, imagine you have to drive your car in Swindon, and you’re less than enthusiastic about it, since you only recently passed your test.

And then you see this:

You’re starting to wonder what that’s about. You didn’t see anything like this in your driving lessons.

And a bit further, you stumble across this situation.

The Magic Roundabout!

Birds eye view…

In the peripheral roundabouts you turn clockwise, in the centre you turn anti-clockwise. As you can see, the traffic problem is essentially solved by scaring people into taking alternative routes.

A delightful explanation of the concept can be found at SwindonWeb.


  1. Damjan says:

    Having now ‘ridden’ the roundabout first hand I can certainly vouch for it’s magical properties! Watching the locals tackle the beast without flinching from the gas pedal is an amazing sight, akin to a big improvised dance. Maybe ‘synchronised roundabouting’ should be nominated for the Olympics?

  2. NN says:


    I would like to use your last image of the magic roundabout for academic purposes. You are the earliest user of this image.

    Thank you for your assistance.

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