So, your mother dresses you?

Jana showed me the frog pyjamas her mum had bought her.

“Wow,” I said.

“Yeah,” she agreed.

“Did she think they was cute or something?”


“I guess you can wear them at home…”

“This is why I can’t wear anything that mum ever buys me.”

“That’s a shame,” I said. “Mum buys all my clothes. Mum bought all this…” I pointed out my new mohair jumper, my form-fitting black pants, my cute black Mary Jane shoes, my sparkly blue headband. “This is my favourite coat,” I continued. I modelled my hooded black woollen winter coat. “The other day, a random girl ran up to me at Melbourne Central. She said, “Excuse me! Could I ask where you bought your coat from?” and I had to say, “Sorry, my mum bought it for me.” “

“So, your mum dresses you?” Jana asked, fascinated and skeptical.

“No,” I corrected her. “She puts a department store in my wardrobe then I dress me.”


  1. Asri says:

    My dad puts a department store in my wardrobe for me too. Mum is too tomboy, she does not care about shopping…:-)

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