Fruit Freak

I like soft apples. People assure me that this is not normal. What kind of freak prefers soft floury apples over hard crisp ones?

I finally revealed this prediliction to mum a month ago.

“What?” she said. “You like soft apples? Are you strange?”

I shrugged sheepishly. “I just do.” And we left it at that.

Yesterday morning, mum looked up from the fridge as I entered the kitchen for breakfast. She stood, closed the fridge door and held up a smallish green apple.

“Joan,” she said, “Um. I’ve dropped this apple on the floor a few times. There are bruises and it feels a bit soft.” She looked at me cautiously. “Do… you want me to pack it into your lunch bag?”

“Yes!” I smiled in delight. Finally, a change from all these shiny hard apples! Mum shook her head in amazement and tucked the apple into my red lunchbox.


  1. vera says:

    Hey Joan, there are three apples in my fridge which have been there for a couple of weeks and have gone soft — want me to send them to you? 😛

  2. misscipher says:

    I like soft apples too! I don’t see anything wrong with that. I recommend “hi-early” apples. Keep them in the fridge for a week, and they will become the best tasting crispy soft apples. Yummmm….

  3. joanium says:

    My mum read this blog entry and was aghast.

    “Joan! You don’t like old apples, you like soft apples! They’re a different kind. You like Red Delicious, not Fuji apples. It’s just a different kind. How can you let people think you eat mouldy apples??”

    “If you feel that strongly about it, mum, why don’t you post a comment on my blog?”

    “…Could you do it for me?”

    “Okay, mum.”


  4. vera says:

    OH. SOFT apples. Um, Joan, can you tell your mum to throw the next package you get in the mail from me straight in the bin?…

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